Tuesday 26 March 2013

I NEED an Eiderdown....NEED!

The thaw begins!! I got my tiny impractical MG stuck in a pothole that I accidentally parked in on Saturday after a 14 hour night shift, which quite frankly led to tears and my forehead dramatically resting on the steering wheel. So, I for one am pleased very muchly to see the paths and the roads again :))
To celebrate, my man and I went for lunch yesterday, leaving the girls glued to the sofa in pyjamas. We are working our way through the menu of the cutest Italian Caffe, and ate filo bites and drank Dandelion & Burdock. A rummage in the thrift shops yielded an old glass jug ready for daffodils, and then home for hibernation.
My new want is an old fluffy eiderdown for sofa dwelling, or may be to tempt the dog from sleeping on our bed and forcing me to drop off the edge around 4:30am on a regular basis. God bless The Moo

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